In November 2008 Secular Franciscans representing all the National Fraternities will gather in
As preparation for this, Secular Franciscans all over the world are being asked for input.
Below is a list of reflection questions.
- To what degree is your being a Secular Franciscan an essential part of your life; is your life in Fraternity only a meeting among many others?
Being a SFO is a well-spring for my spiritual nourishment. The Rules of the SFO are excellent guidelines upon which to base individual ministries and Fraternity apostolates.
Life in Fraternity extends beyond the monthly Fraternity meeting, but only if I am open to the Holy Spirit and act in humble obedience to the example of our seraphic father Saint Francis of
It is for each of us to find the hidden Christ in those who suffer whether rich in finances or poor in spirit or both. Our collective SFO task is to go from gospel to life and life to gospel; the world often does not see the connection in this day and age. The SFO in the spirit of Saint Francis of
- What can you do to be more involved in the intimate life of the SFO?
Being more involved is a challenge of our live-a-day life and is shunned in the greater American culture for whatever reasons. To have an intimate life of the SFO, the question becomes the answer – that is, simply to be more involved, more active, more positive, more available, more prayerful and more open to God’s call - first heard when I became a SFO. This answer sounds simple, but being simple does not mean it is easy. I look inward with prayer and act outward as a continuance of that prayer. Thus my internal prayer life has the potential to make my whole external life – a life of prayer in action.
- Profession by its very nature is a permanent commitment; do you live it as such?
It is a difficult commitment to be in the world while not being of the world. Prayer is my answer for refreshing my Profession as a Secular Franciscan. I know that my physical, mental, and spiritual components work together for the love of God in taking my Baptismal promises more seriously. I live my Profession by the graces of God while I work to build His Kingdom that exists within each of us - if we but look within for it.
- Why is the local Fraternity so important in the life of the SFO?
The local Fraternity is the basis of our call within a call, it is a subset of my larger Christian community yet the SFO Fraternity gives me a spiritual focus and a way to find Christ in others. Fraternity identifies and enables us as Secular Franciscans to follow the example of our seraphic father in our outreach to the world. Fraternity makes Secular Franciscans into present day disciples of our beloved Jesus Christ – just as He gathered the first disciples into small groups in towns and villages, so He gathers us in Fraternity.
- To What extent is your Fraternity helping you to accomplish what your Profession demands of you?
Fraternity provides a foundation for Secular Franciscans to come together in praise and worship of God as our father Saint Francis of
- Does the Fraternity help you to remain faithful to your Profession and to give you a sense of belonging? To what extent do you yourself work to help the brothers and sisters of your Fraternity to achieve these same goals?
Yes, my Fraternity helps me to remain faithful to my Profession through the example and love that is present to all. I work to help my SFO sisters and brothers by encouragement and by positive attitudes in finding solutions to spiritual and worldly problems shared in Fraternity. Secular Franciscans are called to follow Saint Francis’ prayer and to animate its goals in the world of today just as he did in his day(s).
- Why did you want to enter the Secular Franciscan Order? What contribution do you give to the SFO by means of your Profession and your presence?
I entered the Secular Franciscan Order to do more for others by seeking to be Christ to others and in hope of finding Christ in others; Saint Francis gave me his example.
My humble contributions as a Secular Franciscan are these apostolates: Eucharistic Minister, Lector, Hospice spiritual care volunteer, Hospital spiritual care volunteer, and being an “anam cara”(soul friend - regardless of religious tradition) to the dying. These are my ways of being present to the hidden Christ in the suffering. It is not I, but rather He who uses me – for I am but a leaky old pipe - through which the living water flows to the hidden and suffering Christ who is among us.
- Do you think there is a sufficient sense of belonging to the Order? If not, why not?
Yes. Technology is being used more effectively to link the SFO from top to bottom. Many older SFO members share their wisdom and love through the familiar and effective use of telephone and US mail, and that works well for all. I believe that feeling the sense of belonging is the basic gift of the SFO and of Christian community. Being a member of the SFO is a calling and a privilege to be humble.
We must all remember to put the three letters SFO after our signatures and by so doing, remind ourselves of our Franciscan focus, and we invite others to ask what the SFO is all about. God Bless and Keep all of us as we work to find what is ours to do!