Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hospice Walls and Bridges

Walls and Bridges

Our perceived walls are of our own making in the way we view, approach, assess - right or wrong. Maybe the wall is fear, maybe it is not setting boundaries to protect ourselves, maybe it is feeling overwhelmed while not reaching out for help.

Hospice is a bridge to harmony, even to eternity; love is its medicine and walls cannot constrain its presence.

Death is a bridge we will all walk over one day. Too often, we prepare for our bridge by building a death denying wall instead of embracing the hope of our life-continuing bridge. As we step out upon the bridge, we can glance over our left shoulder to behold all that came before (some call it a life review), if graced, we may see ourselves (soul) before even our own birth – to glimpse it but for a moment – where we came from and where we are going.

Birth and death are mere portals for what many narrowly view as life. Life is much more than this Earthly journey. We have nothing to fear!

Suggestion for a large framed picture in the front lobby:

“Love is the medicine dispensed here; we are simply the channels.”

For each of us is an instrument in the hand of a Higher Power beyond our understanding.

Robert K. Smith, SFO

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